Friday, July 24, 2015

It's started with an apology... followed by advice

Can I just begin by apologizing at how much I let go of the blog! I'm truly sorry, this A&P class has taken over my life and I haven't blogged since. The course is/was 6 weeks, and has been so demanding that every spare second I had was spent studying for the course. I'm a little more than half way through considering that Monday is the last week of Lab and the following Wednesday is my final for the lecture. It's safe to say I've done well enough in the course, the last time I checked *this past Wednesday* I had a 85% in the lab, and an A in the lecture (she didn't give me the percent for that one). I'm hoping I can keep those, or make the 85% better when it comes time to finish the classes. I won't be stress free until I know what grades I got, but I will say this, there's nothing like taking a course, and feeling great through the whole course. I don't think I've ever studied for a class as much as I have for this class. 

If you want my advice, don't take anatomy until your last semester. People might say that's crazy, and you should always take easier classes towards the end, but I think that is bogus! When you start college you're transitioning from high school, and its a big change. You should start off with your basic core curriculum, and make your way up to the higher level, more intense courses. When I started college my first semester was ENC1101 or English Comp, MAC1105 or College Algebra, CHM1032 or General Chemisty (literally just the basics of chemistry), and HCP0001 or Health Careers Core Curriculum, which basically just taught us the basic in health care. How to put sterile gloves on, how to take vitals, how to wash your hands, etc. These classes were all the basic requirements in college, and I took them first, then I went on in my second semester, not knowing how difficult it was going to be, and took A&P 1. It's safe to say that I failed that class, and I can explain why. 

When you start college, your mentality is still the same as when you were in high school. You expect your professors to be as helpful as your high school ones, in that when you miss an assignment, they accept it late and they pretty much baby you. In college, you miss an assignment, then you've missed that assignment, unless you get one of those professor who really don't want to see you fail, and work with you. Regardless, you don't think about studying, and you don't think about working as hard. It really does take the few easy classes in the beginning of your college career to learn just how much you have to put in to school, and how much you have to study. 

The first time I took A&P, I wasn't spending that much time studying, I would go about college the same I did with high school, minimal effort, and to be honest, it worked with the few 'easy' core classes. When I took A&P I learned just how wrong I was about studying, and I had a lot to learn about how to study effectively. For me, it's important you learn that before you take the classes that will effect you in the long run, because you don't want those on the admission committee going through your application wondering, "Why did she get an F?" "Did they not put forth maximum effort?" "Do we want someone like this in our program?" 

It's not to say that you can't ever fail a class, hell I failed A&P with an F in the lecture and a WF (withdrawl fail; I stopped showing up) in the lab, and I'm still going to get in the program. I'm just saying you don't want that on your record because you don't want people to question you and keep a close watch on you. 

I'm retaking the class and hoping that I'm getting an A in the end. This way the nursing admissions committee can see how much I've grown and changed over the years, and they may give me a shot. But speaking from experience, you don't want to be scared about what's going to happen to you because of one grade, just listen to this advice, and when you've learned how to study effectively in college, start taking your more difficult classes. It'll help you so you can pass with flying colors! Trust me! 

I'm not expert, and I'm not a college adviser, but I'm speaking from personal experience! College isn't a joke, it's your future, and you should take responsibility in making sure you have a good experience, but you also have good grades.  
Get Fit Dr Stacy

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Magic Mike XXL

I just want to announce what a great movie Magic Mike XXL was! I should forewarn whoever is reading this that there may be spoilers and if you haven't seen the movie, you should proceed with caution. Or skip and come back to this post once you've seen the movie. 

Every girl in the world was aware that today was the release date of Magic Mike XXL, and if you weren't, well you were most likely living under a rock somewhere in the desert. This movie was 100x better than the first part in that the story line was better, and people should actually give a shit about it. See Mike Lane (Channing Tatum) had started his furniture company three years ago (the end of Magic Mike) and is now single. His former stripper buddies aren't aware of the recent break up, and 'just so happen to be in town' because their dear MC has ditched them for some foreign place. I believe he left for china, but to be honest it's irrelevant and I don't care. After seeing his buddies, and hearing what their plan is Mike goes home and starts working on some custom order furniture. While in the shop working the piece, he starts dancing (Previews scene) and decides he wants to join the guys on the trip to the "Stripper Convention." Which to be honest I WISH that it was real life, because I would so go to see that! *Especially when the men performing are these men!* 

On the trip these guys go through several bumps, including a slight car accident landing their new MC *Gabriel Iglesias aka Tobias* in the hospital with a concussion. They have to find a new way to get to their convention. They bring up someone from Mikes past, Rome, which apparently Mike used to dance with before leaving her for Dallas (who was played by Matthew McConaughey in the first film). In order to prove he's still got it, she makes him dance for the ladies at her club, and boy does he dance. My sister and I at this moment were totally hating on his wife! I mean the man can totally move! But moving on, we have only seen 2 dance scenes with him, and 1 with Joe Manganiello which was also super hot and smoky, and everything it needed to be! My sister and I started to get a little bit inpatient waiting for the full on dance scenes. It was quite a build up and you get bits and pieces here and there, including scenes with Twitch from SYTYCD dancing, but we wanted the show to start. 

Fast forward to the show, and can I just tell you that the wait was totally worth it! The build up to the scene of them at the convention was everything I was expecting and more! They all had their own individual segments, and they start off with Tarzan, then move on to Tito (played by Adam Rodriguez; known for his role as Eric in CSI Miami), and then follows Matt Bomers character Ken. I had no idea that Matt can sing, and move the way he did. He was just as hot and steamy as any of us imagined! After Matt was of course Joes character Big Dick Richies turn and I LOVED IT! He started out with a 'marriage skit' and if you watch the movie you know why, and ends with this dominatrix looking contraption that they show him building, and he's just swinging and dancing on that girl in all types of ways. I mean it was getting pretty crazy! Finally saving the best for last was Mike's turn who shared his floor space with Malik played by Stephen 'Twitch' Boss. There are truly NO WORDS to describe their dance! The way they threw and swung, and moved those women for their dance moves was just completely shocking, impressive, and amazing. As my sister said 'I would pay to be that girl.' 

Honestly, if you haven't gone out to see it, I really don't know what you're waiting for. Get your lovely asses to your nearest theater and watch this must see film. Also, by the way they ended this movie, I'm kind of hoping for another part. Hey a girl can dream right?
Get Fit Dr Stacy