My Story

My name is Stacy Heredia, and I’d like to welcome you to That Girls a Nurse.
I am a 24 year old nursing student. I have this big dream of becoming a NICU nurse and I plan on making that come true. I go to Broward College Nursing School full time.
I spend a lot of my time studying, or in class. I don’t spend too much time on anything else and for that reason I wanted to start this blog. I wanted to have something that wasn’t related to school, or work, but that was still something that A. Interested me, and B. Helped me. 
I have lived in Miami, FL all my life, which means I didn’t go away for college. I love Miami, but I also hate it. The weather here is terrible, it’s always either really humid but not raining, or really humid and raining. It doesn’t get cold in the winter, and for that reason I have never seen snow. I’ve gone to other states for the winter to see snow, but for some reason, I still haven’t experienced it. 
Anyway, as a kid I always dreamed of moving to New York, but now I really can’t picture myself moving away from my family to a whole other state. The point of my blog is to write about my experience as a pre-nursing student, as a nursing student, as a nurse, as a grad nursing student, and everything in between. 
When I first decided that nursing was, as they say, my calling I looked up on the internet for people who have gone through the whole experience; The pre nurse life, the nursing student life, the nurse life, etc, just to know what it’s like and what I should expect. Though I know every experience is different, I wanted to know just to have an idea what it might be like. Since there really wasn’t many I figured “hey why not start one for those in the future who will look for the same thing.”  
I was always, for a long time, really set on the idea of becoming a nurse, and I was REALLY excited when I started college. I kept telling my entire family how much I wanted to become a nurse, and how much closer (not really) I was now that I started college. There was this one particular family member that was so negative about the whole thing. “So much school” “Very hard to get in to” “Loads of science, you sure you can handle that” and my favorite, “You won’t get in to nursing school.” I took all these very serious and so I changed my major to criminal justice, and I HATED it!!!! 
I graduated with my associates from Broward Community College, and transferred in to FIU in 2012. I decided then and there I was not, under any circumstances, going to study criminal justice. It just wasn’t my cup of tea, and if it is yours, I applaud you and encourage you to pursue your dreams. 
So it was at that point that I changed to a major in psychology (still thinking I wasn’t good enough for nursing school) though I had graduated early from Broward with a 3.8 gpa. I started my undergrad career at fiu pretty rocky, messing up a lot because I decided social life was more important and I joined phi mu. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame my poor grades on Greek life, infact it’s because of them that I changed my ways back to getting good/awesome grades. You don’t want to be the girl in your sorority that puts you on academic probation from nationals, or lowers your chances of getting highest GPA. So I changed my ways, and became a bit less social and bit more serious.  
After some time I figured out that there was nothing that I could really do with my psychology degree that would interest me as much as I wanted it to. Sure I loved speech, and wanted to help deaf children in the future learn to speak but it wasn’t as “appealing” to me as being a nurse, but still I settled. In sept of 2013, my sister needed surgery to remove a tumor they found on her ovaries (it was benign thank God) and so I took some time off work, (I was working a lot back then) and stayed home to take care of her. After some time, her wound got infected and she needed it to be cleaned daily, and I was the one that did it. 
I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!!!! and thats when I decided, I’m going back to the idea of going to nursing school, nothing has made me as happy as that, and there is no reason in the book as to why I can’t or shouldn’t do it, and so here I am. In my third semester at Broward College Nursing School, practically done with my plan!
I really hope to make it as far as possible in this career, and I plan to document every important event along the way, so join me on my journey to nursing, and please feel free to contact me if you have any question on anything, or just want to chat. My email is
Get Fit Dr Stacy

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