Friday, June 12, 2015

Study Tips

Today I purchased the books for my A&P class, well didn't purchase, but I put them in my cart to purchase in a few days. Of course purchasing books are pricey, but it's an affordable price this time. Doing this made me realize all the studying I need to do this semester, so I decided to do a post about studying,and tips for effective studying. 
  • Get rid of every and any electronic device!
No that doesn't mean keep it at the table with you, nor does it mean to just put it on silent. It means GET RID OF IT! Sorry but keeping it near you is means for distraction! Now unless you need that electronic device for studying, there's no reason to keep it by you! I use my IPAD for studying because I take lecture notes on it. I have yet to find it as a distraction because I turn the wifi off! If I find it starting to cause distraction I tend to print those notes out and use them on paper as opposed to my ipad. If I make any new notes on it or change it I will scan it on my printer and add the document on my note taking app. I don't need my phone or computer for studying, that's what the book and lecture notes are for.
  • Take quick and easy notes in class, change them later
Doing this will encourage you to go back and add information that your missing. For example, the professor goes over a definition in class and instead of writing down the definition because you know you can find that later, you write down the examples he gives. Professor that give examples are more likely to use those for the exam as opposed to just asking you to define a word. So write down what he says, and later go back to the book and look for whatever you're missing. Also using this method means you miss less of what he's saying by trying to write everything.
  • Read the chapter twice
I know how odd that sounds, reading the chapter twice especially when you have tons to read and not enough time to read it. When I say read, I mean skim through the chapter. When you do this twice, you'll notice more things than before. Actually read each header, and while skimming through the paragraph in that area, find the main ideas. When I skim the first time I don't highlight nor write any notes. When I skim the second time, I highlight or make note of what I find important. I usually do this the second time, because I tend to notice that somethings are obvious which means I don't need to highlight or note those because if I know the main idea of the paragraph, I know the obvious facts. When I note the main ideas, I make bullet points to go with them and write my own facts and understandings of the lecture and chapter. It sounds like a lot of work but it helps to learn the topics of the class.
  • Color Coding
Color code everything you write/read. Definitions in green, facts from the notes in purple, facts from the book in pink, facts from your own understanding in blue, etc. I hope you get the point, it just makes things easier to look for. Don't go and write everything in a different color if you don't want to. I write everything in black, but I make the bullet points color, or I write the specific topic in the corresponding color. I use highlighters on the headers of different sections depending on what information it belongs. I just add colors to make it call for more attention, and it helps remembering later because you use a different memory for the different writing methods. It also helps to find information on a fully written on sheet quickly. For example if the professor is asking me for a definition on an assignment, I'll grab the notes for that topic, look for the corresponding header, and look for the green writing or highlight. It makes it easier to look for.

That's all I can really think of right now, but I'm hoping to get some more tips out of my head. I'll write them on my phone as I remember, and update this post with them. I don't normally take pictures of my notes, and I don't really have any notes right now because classes don't start for another 2-3 weeks but I will post pictures of what my notes and stuff look like as soon as I start!

I hope that this helped, and if you want any more specific ideas for studying feel free to contact me;!!

How do you study? What do you use? How do you take notes? Do you change it later? Tell me what you do to study, maybe we can collaborate and make a huge studying post! Don't be shy, comment below!
Get Fit Dr Stacy

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I've become such a planner!

Turns out I really do like to plan and organize my days, so I started actually using my Erin Condren planner. Get your own Erin Condren! It's a pretty pricey planner, but it's totally worth it! This year I'll be getting my second one, and to be honest, they get better and better every year. I've been the type to design my own things, and I once designed my own planner on photoshop, but when I got ahold of an Erin Condren I quite literally wanted to die. I do however create my own stickers for the planner, and if you wanted to get the ones from their website, you can personalize your own. I too personalize my own, though I design them in order to change the shape and style to whatever I want. I've been thinking of opening an Etsy shop to do so, but haven't completely decided. I wish they made the planners a little more customizable, but I think at this point I'm asking for too much. However I have been working on designing one for students in nursing school that has inspiration and quotes to help student nurses when they hit a bump in the road and need a little inspiration. I haven't seen any of those anywhere so it's a possibility. Either way heres what life with a planner has been looking like for me. I just started now in June so no other days/months have stuff written in them and theres still so much more to write but I like planning everything. I feel organized, and structured if that makes an sense!

Either way I think that if you're very type A like myself, an Erin Condren planner is the way to go! Seriously, and I'm willing to give you all some personalized stickers for your planners, whatever you want them to say, whatever shape you want them just email me at and I'll make it. I just have to mail them to you, and I would appreciate if you all would cover the shipping, but aside from shipping, they would be totally free

I'll post some examples of what my stickers look like so you all can see what I mean! I'll post them on an update of this post, as well pictures on twitter, and IG if you really want to see what they look like in the planner. My cutting machine has yet to arrive, so those picture might take a while to be posted, but I promise I will post them!

Don't hesitate to comment if you want some stickers! Do you plan your days? What planner do you use? Do you highly recommend it?

Disclaimer: I am in no way getting paid to endorse or promote Erin Condren planners, they never asked me to promote them or any of that. I truly do love the planner and use it. 

Get Fit Dr Stacy

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

One bad day calls for a good next day

Life can be so complicated some times. If you follow my twitter you know that yesterday was a bit of an off day for me. After having a car full of ants and getting stuck in an elevator, I still wasn't able to register for my Anatomy & Physiology class for the semester. I now see the whole school dilemma as a "blessing" because had I not missed the original time offer of the class I wouldn't have noticed that they offered the class at the campus much closer to my house. Now that I can register I was looking at the time slots for class and found one early enough that I'm not on campus late, and late enough that I'm not waking up before sun comes out! 
Now to be completely honest, I'm really nervous for this class. I took this course once a few years ago when I started college (in 2010) and failed. I literally got an 'F' in the course and WF in the lab because I stopped going after failing the course. I'm obviously older now and I would like to say a bit more prepared when it comes to college, but it's still between scary to take a course a second time. There's nothing like failing a course twice. I'm fully prepared to record lectures and play them back like it's my job. I'm also fully prepared to study like I don't have a life, and the good thing is that I'm only taking A&P so I don't have to worry about studying for anything else, except the HESI of course. 

Lets talk about that stupid elevator situation yesterday! In the morning when I parked in the garage, the left elevator had a sign on the door that said "Temporarily out of order" and I really didn't pay mind to it until that door opened for my 'elevator ride.' I sent the elevator down to the first floor, and waited for the other elevator to come up because I was not going to get in that elevator. The other one never came, and this "out of order" one returned. I was already late for work so I got on it and rode to the first floor without a problem. When going back to my car after work, I got on the same elevator with 4 other people. Two of those people got off on the third floor, and the other two got off on the fourth. When the elevator went to stop on the third floor it attempted to open the doors before stopping, causing the elevator to shake. After that happened, I started to panic. When we reached the fourth floor and everyone got off, the doors closed, but stopped inches from being fully closed, and wouldn't move. I was alone in the elevator and was now in full on panic mode. I was smacking the doors, trying to close or open them. Finally after about 5-10 minutes of hitting the doors they began to close slowly. The elevator took me to the fifth floor and I ran out of there before the doors were even fully opened. I stopped only to tell the guy getting on the elevator what happened. He took the stairs. 

Now after all that happened, I sat in my car only to have a million tiny little creatures crawling all over me. If you know me at all, you must know how much I despise creepy crawlers. I hate all insects, and don't care to have them near me. I drove all the way home from work, in rush hour traffic with those ants all over me. I quite literally wanted to die. When I got home, I got one of the "RAID" bombs from the cabinet, and set it off in my car. 
Now I have to leave my car closed for 24 hours, and not drive it. I also have to go get it completely detailed to wash off all the RAID and get rid of all the ants little bodies. It's so cruel that they all died, but I'm not about to drive with them on me all the time. It's just not happening! 

The little RAID bomb was from home depot, and its quite simple. It's not liquid so nothing gets ruined, it's a gas that just spreads through every little spot in the car. It's poisonous so you have to wipe down whatever you touch in your car, and make sure to wash your hands after driving. I have to ride with the windows down for about a week as a precaution, and when I get the car washed I'm going to make sure they're extremely detailed. 

Aside from my eventful day, theres really nothing else going on! Have you ever been stuck in an elevator? For how long? What did you do? Have you ever had an ant infestation in your car? What did you? 
Get Fit Dr Stacy

Friday, June 5, 2015

Ordering Transcripts

As most people may know in order to get in to a university, or even register for classes at a community college you must submit transcripts. Whether you're transferring or going straight from high school, they need to see your academic background. Since I'm transferring back to my community college in order to get the missing classes I need for the nursing program I had to order the transcripts from my university. I've order the transcripts 3 times in the span of 2 weeks, and the college has yet to receive them. I purposely ordered them electronic through F.A.S.T.E.R and they still haven't gotten them. I'm so annoyed about the whole situation because I made sure to do everything by my registration appointment so I would be able to pick up the class I wanted. Since my university keeps messing up the transcript delivery, I haven't been able to register for my class, and now the class I wanted to take is full. There are other options, but the time of the class I wanted is taken. I don't see how its fair to me to have to wait for some stupid university to take my classes. I'm frustrated, and completely annoyed with the school I am leaving, and just wish this transition went smoothly. That's why this morning I tweeted "When life throws you curveballs, you catch it and throw it right back" because this is slowing the process down for me to get in to nursing school. 

Honestly if I have to order those transcripts one more time, I'm going straight to the office on campus and giving them a piece of my mind! Isn't it enough that they screwed up some one my work before, now they have to screw up me leaving them too! 

I know I'm ranting, but someone from some university must see this and realize how frustrating they can be to students. I just want to make something of my life!

On another note, I've been doing a lot of practice questions for HESI A2 exam. If you don't know what the HESI is, its the entrance exam for the nursing school I want to go. I'm going to buy a book from to study for the exam and hopefully get an amazing passing score to impress the admission committee! Other than that there's nothing new to report! 

Hope everyone is having either a great semester, or a great summer break! Comment below and let me know if you ever had a problem with your college transcripts!  
Get Fit Dr Stacy

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Name Change

Welcome to the new blog, everything from before still remains, but the name and the point of this blog is completely different. I'm not going to medical school anymore, I've changed my mind to become a nurse instead. Now I know some people are going to think I'm crazy, and possibly criticize me but I know for myself it's the right decision. The reason I want to go in to nursing is because after I spoke to my sister about what happened when her incision got infected after her surgery, she told me that she mostly dealt with the nurses as opposed to the doctor. Doctors get most of the credit for the work they do, but nurses do a lot of work for patients too. I'm not in it for the credit or the pay, I'm in it for the satisfaction after every work day knowing that I did my best to make my patients feel better! I'm not 100% sure what type of nurse I want to be, but I would like labor and delivery nurse! 

I'm so excited but I'm nervous all at the same time. I'm only missing 3 pre-reqs to get in to the nursing program. Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, so I won't be applying for the program until next summer. I will be taking these classes starting fall 2015. I will be in the nursing program by the time I'm 24, and will be graduating by the time I'm 25, and I plan to go ALL the way and get my doctorates. I wish to become a Nurse Practitioner. 

This blog is going to follow my journey through "pre-nursing" (only 3 classes) and then through my nursing program. I'm beyond excited to go to nursing school, and can't wait to be a nurse! If you look above there is two tabs called "Pre-nursing" and "Nursing school." The point of those tabs is to make sure that if you're here to read about nursing you can just go directly to that, but if you're here about the other post, then you just click "Blog", and nothing about nursing aside from this post will be there! I'm just trying to keep everyone happy! 

If you're pre-nursing, or nursing student please comment and let me know how everything is going for you!! I would love to know!!!! Follow me on twitter!!! *PreStudentNurse*
Get Fit Dr Stacy