Welcome to the new blog, everything from before still remains, but the name and the point of this blog is completely different. I'm not going to medical school anymore, I've changed my mind to become a nurse instead. Now I know some people are going to think I'm crazy, and possibly criticize me but I know for myself it's the right decision. The reason I want to go in to nursing is because after I spoke to my sister about what happened when her incision got infected after her surgery, she told me that she mostly dealt with the nurses as opposed to the doctor. Doctors get most of the credit for the work they do, but nurses do a lot of work for patients too. I'm not in it for the credit or the pay, I'm in it for the satisfaction after every work day knowing that I did my best to make my patients feel better! I'm not 100% sure what type of nurse I want to be, but I would like labor and delivery nurse!
I'm so excited but I'm nervous all at the same time. I'm only missing 3 pre-reqs to get in to the nursing program. Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, so I won't be applying for the program until next summer. I will be taking these classes starting fall 2015. I will be in the nursing program by the time I'm 24, and will be graduating by the time I'm 25, and I plan to go ALL the way and get my doctorates. I wish to become a Nurse Practitioner.
This blog is going to follow my journey through "pre-nursing" (only 3 classes) and then through my nursing program. I'm beyond excited to go to nursing school, and can't wait to be a nurse! If you look above there is two tabs called "Pre-nursing" and "Nursing school." The point of those tabs is to make sure that if you're here to read about nursing you can just go directly to that, but if you're here about the other post, then you just click "Blog", and nothing about nursing aside from this post will be there! I'm just trying to keep everyone happy!
If you're pre-nursing, or nursing student please comment and let me know how everything is going for you!! I would love to know!!!! Follow me on twitter!!! *PreStudentNurse*
Welcome to the crazy world of nursing school! You will love it and hate it, but we are in it together. Follow my journey at mightynursemegan.blogspot.com