I'm not in high school anymore. I haven't been since 2010, and I don't care to live like a high schooler any longer. I'm sorry if you're reading this and are in high school, and once you graduate and move on you'll understand where I'm coming from. The commentary under the breath, the bullshit backstabbing, and the fakeness is all ridiculous. Cutting people out of your life for reason that are beyond stupid, are well beyond stupid. The names in this story I'm about to tell you are changed to protect the privacy of my former, and current friends.
When I was in high school, I had a small group of close knit friends, there were about 5 of us. Melanie, Yessie, Jennifer, Megan, and myself. Yessie, and Jennifer were best friends since elementary school I believe, and Megan and I were best friends since 7th grade, and then we all met in High school.
I'm not here to talk about our life in high school, I just needed to give you a quick background. We all became instant friends in Freshman year. Not really instant, but we were all good friends by graduation. The moral of the story is that during middle school, Yessie dated Jennifers cousin, and in high school Melanie dated Jennifers cousin, but when he proposed to her, she said no, and the relationship was over. ( I'm not exactly sure when he proposed, I believe it was sometime after we all graduated, either way, they broke up). I hadn't heard about him for years later, until my best friend from college, whom I adore so much posted a picture of him on Instagram. I was a bit skeptical about if it was him or not, because I never had actually met him ( he lived in New York at the time ), but I knew who he was and knew his whole family. I texted my best friend and asked her what his name was, and low and behold it was the same guy. It's such a small world! They dated for quite sometime, but before he met her, he had enlisted to join the Marines. My friend from high school Melanie, was living in New York for college and dated some guy for quite some time.
After about a year my best friend and her boyfriend moved to North Carolina, where he was based, and got married. I missed her so much that I flew over there in March over spring break, and spent the week with her and her husband. I had a great time with them, and of course I posted pictures on Instagram. Now lets get something straight, Melanie and I weren't close anymore, the last time her and I had a close deep conversation was the day before she moved to New York, at her going away party. We had the occasional conversation, and would sometimes check in on each other but that was about it.
When I returned home after my vacation with my best friend, I posted a throwback Thursday of my trip with the couple. A week later Jennifer posted a picture of her and Melanie, and I decided to click on Melanies tag to see what she was up to, and she had blocked me! I did a little digging and her whole family blocked me! I was in complete shock and was just about pissed off because, are we really in high school that you go and block me from social media because I'm best friends by coincidence with your exs wife!?
That's not the only thing, I called my best friend and told her and she said she knows why she did it. My best friend started telling me the stories of Melanie calling her husband trying to break up her and her husband, by telling him that she made a mistake and wanted him back. He told her it was too late and he was in love with someone else, she then proceeded to send him nudes and repeatedly tried to get back with him ALL WHILE BEING IN A 2 YEAR RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE ELSE. My best friends husband blocked her on his phone and changed his number to avoid contact with her, but I really don't see why she had to stoop down to that level of trying to break a marriage. We're not in High school anymore, this isn't a game, this is an actual marriage! People like that truly piss me off, they don't understand that other people have lives aside from being with them, and other people have feelings that can get hurt by their actions. This girl was in the complete wrong, and I truly hope she stumbles upon my blog and reads this and realizes how wrong she is!
Although all this happened in March I bring it up because my sister is going through something with her friends/ former friends being fake and I got really upset and needed to vent about this whole ordeal. I won't tell my sisters story cause it's not mine to tell!
Did you ever go through something with your former High School friends? Don't you wish people would just move on from their former life, and be happy with what they have right now? Leave a comment, and vent about "fake" people!
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